Abbie sets sights on stardom after recording with the Sugababes
11:40am Wednesday 31st March 2010
By Andrea Glennon »
AFTER a recording session with pop group the Sugababes, a Stratton teenager has vowed the next time she returns to the world-famous Abbey Road Studios she will be the superstar.
Talented Abbie Lea Drew beat off competition from 4,000 other hopefuls from around the country to win the Heart FM ‘Live Like a Sugababe’ competition.
She filmed herself singing their hit About A Girl which was voted number one by radio listeners in an online competition. She sang the same song in the studio with the girl group.
The 15-year-old said she felt like a celebrity as she bumped into Amy Winehouse during a £500-shopping spree in Selfridges, stayed in a £1,000 a night suite at the Mayfair Hotel and was treated to champagne and chocolate covered strawberries.
The Cirencester Deer Park student was also given tips from the Sugababes vocal coach, interviewed by celebrity magazine Closer and followed around by the Heart FM film crew.
Abbie said: "It was absolutely amazing – the Sugababes gave me such good advice. They told me if I get knocked down just to get back up again.
"Even though I only met Amelle and Heidi because Jade was ill I loved every minute of it. They were great and so down-to-earth.
"Heidi said when she was a teenager she wrote lots of letters to music companies and was eventually signed when she was just 18."
Abbie said she now plans to write letters herself and record demo CDs to send off to recording studios.
"Without a doubt this is definitely what I want to do," she added.
For more on the story and link to Abbie in action go to wiltsglosstandard.co.uk
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