Sugababes official album launch tickets up for grabs!
Not content with bringing you closer to your favourite pop act (called the Sugababes) by being filmed manically ranting / insulting their music in a London hotel room while Jade gorges on steak and chips, we’re now giving you the chance to join the girls as guests at their official album launch party. It’s in London. Next Wendesday. It’s so exclusive even we don’t have tickets. And you’re this close to winnning a pair. Hit “see more” if you’re not washing your hair.
So here’s the details: Heidi, Jade and Amelle are having a big party old party / singalong / dance to celebrate the launch of their new album. Apart from slightly awkward ‘moves’ from Heidi, you should also expect to hear classic ‘Babes tracks as well as highlights from Sweet 7 - out March 15th. Judging by the girls’ recent Biz Session you should expect very good things indeed.
Oh, and if seeing the ‘Babes live, in a venue small enough for a guaranteed a-popstar-looked-RIGHT-at-me moment isn’t enough for you, you’ll also get a signed poster to take home - without having to pony up £20 for the privielge.
We’ve got two pairs of tickets up for grabs. To enter, just answer this simple question in the comments below. As always, please register and login before posting. Otherwise your entry will be cruelly ignored. It’s a basic that many of you still seem unable to grasp.
If you had a dime for every single time these boys stop and stare, you’d have enough money for…?
Yes, we used the same question on on part 1 of the interview, but no one replied so we’re recycling ‘comedy gold’.
Here’s the rules
Winners picked first thing next Tuesday.
Event takes place March 3rd (next Wednesday) at Supper Club in Notting Hill, London from 4pm.
Please ensure you can attend before entering.
The fun starts at 5pm.
Even we haven’t got tickets - please take some pictures for us. Bonus points for catching Amelle in a pose as unflattering as this.
Unlucky type or committed fan that actually pays to see their favourite act live? Good news - there’s still a limited number of tickets available to buy right now. Apparently, they’re going fast!
Click here to pre-order Sweet 7.