Friday 27 July 2012
Amelle Berrabah: I was below a size 0
Amelle Berrabah is a Bikram yoga fan
At 5ft 2in, she weighs 7st 10lb and wears a size 6-8.
The 28-year-old, who once compared herself to an 'anorexic rat', confessed she works out to improve her self-esteem. Now she enjoys Bikram yoga, cycling, resistance training
Amelle went on a high-calorie diet when she became dangerously thin in 2009, amid talk of problems
in the group.
'I was below a size 0,' reveals the singer. 'Doctors advised a highly calorific diet.'
And Amelle says she loves the gym: 'I really enjoy going - you feel much better about yourself.'
Read more about celebrities and their bodies in Now magazine dated 30 July 2012 - out now!